Bits and Bobbins

Bits and Bobbins: Dressmaking Detective

Dressmaking Detective Do you play dressmaking detective by going “shopping” on the high street and taking spy photos? I have been loathe to. One of the beauties of sewing is not having to go shopping. But it can save a ton of time and disappointment if you try on different styles and fits before sewing.… Continue reading Bits and Bobbins: Dressmaking Detective

Pattern Hacks · Sewing

Lotta Jansdotter’s Pilvi Coat Adjustments

I have been humming and hawing about which pattern to use for my spring coat, or whether to draft my own. Right now, I’m enjoying exploring all the indie pattern companies, so I decided to try that path first. I have a few in mind but I thought I would start with trying a muslin of the… Continue reading Lotta Jansdotter’s Pilvi Coat Adjustments